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(Category) (Category) SULinux Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Upgrade
Upgrading SULinux & using apt-get

Upgrading to a new release of SULinux:
(Answer) How do I upgrade a SULinux 1.x-7.1 or RedHat 6.x- 7.1 system to SULinux 7.2?
(Answer) How do I upgrade to SULinux 7.3 from a previous release of SULinux or RedHat Linux?
(Answer) How do I upgrade to SULinux 9 from SULinux 8.0?

Maintenace: apt-get problems and solutions:
(Answer) How do I upgrade my kernel to the latest release?
(Answer) I run apt-get dist-upgrade on SUL 8.0, and I get an error about glibc...
(Answer) New Item
(Answer) How do I upgrade from SULinux 7.x to 8.0?

[New Answer in "Upgrade"]
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Site last modified: Fri Jun 6 16:03:00 PDT 2003